The #PoliticoMobility Summit on 8 October will gather policymakers, regulators, disruptors and experts to Amsterdam, Netherlands to discuss the challenges the sector is facing during a dynamic and interactive day. Our Executive Director Carlo Borghini will bring railways to the discussion showing how the work of Shift2Rail contributes to the evolvement of the whole mobility sector in Europe.
As a strategic partner of this year’s #POLITICOMobility event, our Executive Director Carlo Borghini will be participating to a panel focusing on railways at 3.40PM on 8 October discussing the necessity for rail R&I to overcome the challenges of the railway system by offering new solutions instead of regulating the future with today’s rules. During the panel, Mr. Borghini will demonstrate how railways are able to shape the future of mobility and transport by integrating and connecting different modes of transportation and eliminating the current barriers in the sector. His focus will be on how this systematic approach can contribute to a sustainable and forward-looking transport and mobility system in Europe.