AV R&D, s.r.o.

Adress: Kvítková 668, 760 01 Zlín
Phone: +420 576 000 700
E-Mail: info@avrnd.cz
Web: www.avrnd.eu
Employees: 45
Activity: R&D services, technical calculations, testing, and measurement, delivery of special test benches

AV R&D is a Czech company with ISO 9001, DIN 6701-2:2015(EN 17 460 a DIN 2304) and EN 15085 CL1-D certification, which cooperates with a number of important manufacturers of rolling stock and components. Our partners value practical experience and quality references in the field.

We mainly focus on:

  • development and construction of rolling stock and their main parts,
  • analyzes and simulations aimed at optimizing the behavior of rolling stock in operating conditions,
  • examinations and testing of components and main parts of rolling stock (testing laboratory accredited by ČIA according to EN ISO 17025),
  • development and supply of special test equipment for testing components and assemblies of rolling stock.

Our aim is to provide customers with technical support which ensures permanent product innovation. Our added value is in long-term multi-disciplinary experience, in the number of references and in the certified competences.