VÚKV a.s.

Adress: Bucharova 1314/8, Stodůlky, CZ-158 00 Praha 5
Phone: +420 225 343 402
E-Mail: info@vukv.cz
Web: www.vukv.cz
Employees: 72
Activity: Research, development, testing and consulting in the field of rolling stock

Research, development, testing and consulting in the field of rolling stock

VÚKV a.s. (joint stock company) operates in the field of development and testing of rail vehicles, containers, and components of transportation engineering, including advisory and consultancy
services and assessments.

Applied research

The company is a research organisation according to Article 2(83) of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014. The applied research in the areas of strength, brakes, running characteristics, testing methods, and equipment.

Vehicle development

Comprehensive solutions from initial studies through project management, construction, and documentation processing, to collaboration in prototype production, approval, and commissioning,
including calculations, and simulations.


Testing laboratory No. 1085 is accredited according to ČSN EN ISO 17025 and equipped with facilities for conducting a wide range of tests on vehicles, components, and containers under TSI directives, European standards, UIC regulations, and customer requirements. We conduct tests not only in Czech Republic and Europe, but also outside of Europe.

Inspection body

Inspection body No. 4061 is accredited according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17020 and operates in the field of safety inspection of railway subsystem Rail vehicles following the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 402/2013.