The company VÚKV as a research organization is involved not only in grant projects but is also realizing an extended research program for the customers from the producer and user sphere. The overall goal is the result which can be immediately applied in the praxis. The company is a member of more consortiums solving the research targets of long-term grant projects. These projects started by the Research Centre of Railway Rolling Stock in 2005 and actually continue in terms of the National Competence Centre published by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
A very interesting project in terms of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports challenge will be actually realized in cooperation with Faculty of Physical Education, Charles University, Department of Anatomy and Biomechanics and other subjects. The project called Analysis of accident processes between pedestrians and tramways – validation of simulation models. The goal is to obtain the validated simulation model of a pedestrian which will be used for effects evaluation of front parts of newly designed tramways in case of an accident between tramways and pedestrians.
The part of the project is a test series of an accident of a crash test dummy fitted with sensors with some tramway types. The obtained data are used for both comparison of simulation results with the reality (validation) and evaluation of accident effects from the point of view of biomechanical criterions, especially the HCI criterion which is used for acceleration evaluation acting to human head. The mentioned tests and simulations provide a rich basis of theoretic knowledge and practical skills for the design evaluation not only from the point of view of pedestrian safety but also from the point of view of general principles of mechanics.
VÚKV is also involved in the solution of European projects in terms of Shift2Rail and ERJU.