Adress: Stará Ježnická 1556/1, 79401 Krnov
Phone: +420 554 605 400
E-Mail: kos@kos.cz
Web: www.kos.cz
Employees: 470
Activity: Production and repair workshop company
The company Krnovské opravny a strojírny s.r.o. Krnov is a production and repair workshop for rail vehicles of railway and municipal transportation already since 1872. The company is engaged in the reconstruction, modernization and production od rail vehicles and with cca 500 employees it follows rich tradition and history of the company.
All orders operations are provided in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, certifications of particular railways (CD, Railway of Slovakia, DB, Railion AG), welding standards CSN EN and DIN. The company owns also environmental system ISO 14001:2004 certification.
The main company activities:
- repairs, production, modernization of passenger and freight rail vehicles
- development, production and modernization of tramways
- engineering production for wagon industry
- repairs, reconstructions and renovations of historical rail vehicles