Adress: Dr. Milady Horákové 1200/27a, 779 00 Olomouc
Phone: +420 588 208 555
Employees: 110
Activity: Information systems for transport and logistics
OLTIS Group is a leading provider of extensive information systems for rail operations management support with global presence and links to the European transport network.
OLTIS Group is actively involved in proposing, drafting, and testing of standards in the field of rail transport.
OLTIS Group consists of specialised software companies who cooperate very closely and effectively. This is one of the reasons why they can provide very flexible information
systems in this field with many components adjusted according to the needs of the users, and a wide range of associated services.
OLTIS Group develops software solutions which enable enhancing of information systems of other companies with specialised extensions in the field of transport and logistics with
focus on the interoperability of supported systems.
The main development background is based in the Czech Republic; however, the business group has its own subsidiaries in Slovakia, Poland and Hungar