Residence: Na úbočí 1397/3, 182 00 Praha 8
Office / mailing address: Černičná 686/1, 198 00 Praha 9
Plant (production): V Borovičkách 360, 285 61 Žleby
Phone: +420 226 225 777; +420 226 225 779
E-Mail: skd@skd.cz
Web: www.skd.cz
Employees: 77
Activity: Production of spare parts for trams and locomotives
SKD TRADE, a.s. focuses on components of railway vehicles and it is an authorized manufacturer and supplier of original spare parts for ČKD vehicles.
The company’s activities are focused on production, repairs and modernization of spare parts for trams (mechanical elements, electronics, asynchronous traction engines, etc.) and diesel-electric locomotives (electromechanical parts, electronics, traction engines, traction alternators, DC generators, auxiliary rotating machines, etc.). As part of the implementation of special projects and special railway vehicles the company has a department of technical development that deals with this issue.
SKD TRADE, a.s. has implemented and certified a quality management system according to the ISO 9001: 2016 standard. It has its own ČD supplier certificate and a Manufacturer and Supplier Certificate issued by the State Railway Authority of the Slovak Republic. SKD TRADE, a.s. is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the Capital City of Prague and the ACRI Association.