The first batch of new Škoda 32 Tr trolleybuses for Vilniaus viešasis transportas (VVT) is about to get delivered to Vilnius. So far, 20 trolleybuses have been assembled, with five fully completed and the remaining 15 undergoing trial operations and final adjustments. The first trolleybus is set to be shipped to Vilnius in June, with all 20 vehicles ready on site in August. Another 20 vehicles are currently in production.

“The production of the trolleybuses for the Lithuanian capital is progressing well, with the first vehicles soon to be sent to their new home in Vilnius,” said Radek Svoboda, Managing Director Škoda Electric at Škoda Group. “Last week, we had the pleasure of showing the new trolleybuses to representatives from both the city of Vilnius and our customer, VVT. They had the opportunity to experience the vehicles first-hand and ensure everything was well done and ready for their citizens. We are proud of our ongoing relationship with VVT and excited about the positive impact these modern trolleybuses will have on public transportation in Vilnius.”

The contract with VVT includes the delivery of 91 Škoda 32 Tr trolleybuses, valued at over EUR 52 million. This order also includes a contract for the supply of spare parts needed for regular maintenance during the first five years of operation. The new fleet is expected to arrive in Vilnius between 2024 and 2025, promoting a cleaner and healthier living environment for the city’s residents.
The trolleybus for Vilnius underwent a series of testing procedures, including covering approximately 2,500 kilometres on the streets of Pilsen. These comprehensive tests were crucial to ensuring the reliability, safety, and performance of the vehicles. These modern trolleybuses are fitted with advanced traction batteries, enabling autonomous driving for at least 20 kilometres. Additionally, the vehicles feature state-of-the-art camera systems for enhanced traffic monitoring, as well as the “Mirror Eye” system replacing conventional exterior side mirrors, ensuring the safety of both passengers and pedestrians. Finally, they are equipped with sensors on their side to monitor the movement of passengers around them.

Last week, representatives from Vilnius visited the production site in Pilsen-Doudlevce to inspect the new trolleybuses. The delegation included Andrius Grigonis, Vilnius Municipality Deputy Major, Ilja Karuzis, Vilnius Municipality Head of Infrastructure, Ignas Degutis, CEO of VVT and Aurelijus Boldinovas, CTO of VVT. During their visit, they not only observed the production process but also had the chance to ride the trolleybuses that will be delivered to Vilnius in June.

“The new trolleybuses meet modern comfort standards that are crucial for our passengers. By the end of this summer, 20 of these new vehicles will be on the streets of Vilnius, providing comfortable journeys for Vilnius citizens and city visitors. The new era of trolleybuses in the capital of Lithuania, which will fundamentally change the experience of traveling on this environmentally friendly transport, is just around the corner,” says Ignas Degutis, Vilnius public transport CEO.