Adress: Třebohostická 987/5, 100 00 Praha 10
Phone: +420 234 051 001
E-Mail: ttcm@ttc.cz
Web: www.ttc-marconi.com
Employees: 170
Activity: Dispatching systems, security solutions, information and control systems for rail vehicles, communication infrastructure, production of electronic devices
TTC MARCONI is a long-established major provider of advanced communication technologies for critical national infrastructure, including transportation. It offers customers a comprehensive range of services, from selection of the appropriate technologies to implementation, operation, maintenance and service.
TTC MARCONI is also active in the development and deployment of smart technologies in the transport sector. As a member of the UNITEL Committee of the European Railway Contractors Association UNIFE, it is involved in the development of the new global railway communication standard, FRMCS.
TTC MARCONI offers its own dispatching solution IPTC-K (KONOS), which allows users to unify all communication channels through a single interface – the dispatching terminal. These devices are deployed, among others, at CDP Přerov, CDP Praha on the main railway corridors.
TTC MARCONI’s security solutions meet the requirements for integrated solutions for crisis management, incident and extraordinary event management (accident, failure, delay, damage, power failure, etc.) in both physical and cyber security. With advanced analytics tools, it also delivers a global view of operations to reveal trends and help make the right decisions. These solutions reduce risks, increase security and control over in-house operations and processes.
TTC MARCONI offers transmission and data infrastructure solutions including cybersecurity, surveillance and comprehensive communications network management.
The company also has in-house manufacturing capabilities for developing electronics, PCB mounting and soldering. It is able to provide the entire process from board design through to embedding and subsequent commissioning, in both small and large batches.
TTC MARCONI is part of the Czech technology and real estate entity TTC Group.