The prolongation process of the accreditation of the Test centre for railway rolling stock and container VÚKV a.s. for next five years based on several-day assessing carried out by the Czech Accreditation Institute according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 was successfully crowned in late April and early May 2023 without any recorded disagreement during the assessment process.

The flexible scope of accreditation was awarded the testing laboratory in the same time. This means, the laboratory may modify the test methods in the given scope of accreditation keeping the measurement principle. The testing laboratory obtained also the accreditation for internal calibration of all kinds of measurement equipment. The stated results testify that the test centre is still able to fulfil also the most exacting customer requirements in the given scope of accreditation.
VÚKV a.s. is also in the 2022/2023 period the owner of the prestigious international Top Rating certificate of the highest possible level “1” based on the evaluation carried out by the Dun & Bradstreet company. VÚKV a.s. obtains it continually since 2015. The certificate appreciates the stability, solvability and trustfulness of the firm. In the same time, it performs the protection of the business partners before the potential cash flow problems. So the certificate acknowledges them the minimum risk level during the cooperation.